
Im Aimee Simmons im a student at weymouth college and I am studying Interactive Media. And this is what my blog is going to be about.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Unit 1.1 Website Preproduction Guides

What preproduction is needed for Website Design and are the elements important?

When making a website if it’s just for you or someone else there are steps you need to follow. This is called Pre-Production.  When you plan ahead it makes the whole process much easier and less complex to do.  The good thing about having a Pre-Production plan is that you can clearly see what you need to do and what you have done and so it’s easy to be able to track your progress.  Pre-Production gives you a chance to be able to split your time wisely so you can get things done on time and in the end have the whole website done on a certain deadline.
The first thing you will need to do is decide what your website is going to be about because without that you would have no idea on what you were doing.  Once you know what you’re doing you need to decide what you want on your website,  like what features you want to have on your website, sounds, pictures and information ect.. Another very important part of web design is research. You will need to research what you’re doing the website about so you get all your information correct and up to date and also similar websites so you know what your competition is because your want people to go to your website not other peoples. Once you have all this done you will need to make some sort of list of all the sections of your website, the best thing to do is put them in order of importance so if for some reason you do fall behind on your web design you will at least have the main bits done. It’s a good idea to write out content and double check it and finalize it before starting to build the website so you have it all done and all you have to do is build it into the website. Another important thing you need to do is work out the style of your website for example the font and colours you want to use, you need to make sure that they fit in and suit what your website is going to be about. All this will be done in a Pre-Production plan which is vital to web design. The Pre-Production plan should all be kept together so nothing gets lost like in a folder. If it’s for college or a client it needs to be of a professional standard and be as detailed as you can make it so it’s clear not just for the person who wants the website so they know exactly what the progress is of the website but also so the person making the website knows exactly what they need to do.  Once you have made the Pre-Production plan and the website you will have to evaluate it and make any appropriate changes to make sure it’s at the highest quality possible.  Once all of that is done you can go live and put it on the web!  And if you’re making a website as a student for a piece of work after you have done all of this you will need to evaluate all what you have done in an evaluation to conclude your work to say what went well what didn’t and if you were to do it again what you would change.
When you get to making the website it is far more technical than making the Pre-Production plan.  But if you stick to your plan and make simple easy steps to follow so what may seem really daunting and complex can be split up and easy to do bits.
A website can be made in a number of different programmes I think the easiest software to use to make a good website would be Adobe flash. Once you get the hang of using the software it’s pretty easy to make whatever you want and there is lots on help and tips on how to use flash online which can help you through making your website.  One of the first things you will need to do is design the user interface this will provide the elements your site visitors will use to interact with your site. This may be drop down menus different motions or sound. This is part of the whole web design where you can really add some creativity and add your own touch.  Also you will need to add the information and pictures this can be done is flash but you can edit your pictures in Photoshop before importing them into Flash.
Adobe Flash uses layers to make their website so you need to learn how to use the layers before making a website because if you don’t understand how to use the layers it can become very complex.
There is so much you can do and import into making your website it’s not just images and text you can also add videos and animation onto your site.  You can also add hyperlinks and links to other pages or even other websites, this is fairly simple. You can also draw things on flash to make buttons and movie clips ect to make animations if you wish to include them.

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